Clean Energy Strategies
Fujitsu, Gundagai Meat Processors, Propertylink, Stone & Wood, TAFE NSW West Region with funding support from the NSW Department of Environment and Planning.
The NSW Government has set an aspirational target to achieve net zero emissions across the NSW economy by 2050. In support of this aspiration the government has co-funded the development of Clean Energy Strategies for a select set of businesses in NSW.
Develop clean energy strategies for five diverse businesses in NSW including food manufacturing, real estate investment, education and IT.
In developing the strategies:
- conduct a diagnostic assessment of existing management systems and technology measures
- establish a range of scenarios outlining pathways towards a net zero emissions target
- workshop the scenarios and targets with senior management in each of the businesses
- develop a final strategy for each business.
Patrick Crittenden has worked with Ndevr Environmental to deliver the project. The project is ongoing and is expected to build business support for establishing specific targets to achieve net zero emissions.