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Promoting Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Waste Heat Recovery Measures in India


Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan through the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC) and the Energy Management Action Network (EMAK).


The 6th Energy Management Action Network (EMAK) Workshop brought together Indian and International experts on energy efficiency in SMEs and waste heat recovery measures. 

  • Design a one day workshop to support the goals of EMAK which are to: 

    • improve energy efficiency by promoting energy management through the establishment of energy efficiency policy and energy efficiency practitioner networks

    • create a robust forum for the discussion on policy issues related to energy management and sharing the best practices of each region, country and industry.

  • Design a workshop in collaboration with The Energy Resources Institute (TERI) and EMAK members to support the following participant outcomes for attendees which include government, industry associations and manufacturing SMEs:

    • Learn about and share experiences on designing and implementing energy efficiency policies and programmes for SMEs

    •  Identify innovative ways of financing energy efficiency projects

    • Better understand the technical opportunities to reuse waste heat in industrial organisations

    • Initiate and develop networks within and across SMEs, the finance sector, industry associations and government policy-makers at both national and international levels

    • Contribute towards domestic and international dialogue and capacity building on energy efficiency measures.

  • Brief international and local speakers and review presentations to ensure alignment with the workshop goals.

  • Faciliate the workshop in a manner that encourages dialogue, interaction and information sharing amongst participants incorporating panel discussions and interactive dialogue sessions.

  • Deliver a keynote presentation titled Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium Enterprises - a Global Perspective

  • Write up a workshop summary incorporating an overview analysis of key themes, current issues and future opportunities.

​More information:

The workshop report, presentations and video of the event can be downloaded here

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