Gaming to Net Zero
Consultation on the Gaming to Net Zero prototype
Thank you for your interest in the Gaming to Net Zero prototype. The objective of the game is to promote energy efficiency in facilities management. It is intended to be useful both as a stand-alone experience and as a complement to energy efficiency training programs. The game has been developed by energy efficiency experts and Macquarie University academics funded by the City of Sydney.
The game is now at a prototype stage. We have developed a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with basic graphics with the aim of testing the concept, content and general functionality. Once we collate all feedback we will be developing a funding proposal to develop an app and web-based game with greater functionality. We expect the next iteration to include the ability to walk-through an area and see the changes made. We have also received feedback that the game could also be useful by applying 'real time' building data so that it is customised to specific buildings.
We would be very grateful for you to provide feedback on the structure, content and future development of the game by downloading the spreadsheet, playing the game and completing a short survey.
The prototype download is available here
The survey link is available here
If you have any questions or would like to discuss the prototype please contact:
Patrick Crittenden, Director, Sustainable Business Group
James Hazelton, Associate Professor, Macquarie University
Thank you for your assistance!