Leveraging Public Mandates for Private Gain
Integrating Energy Efficiency into Corporate Culture
William and Anita Newman
Vertical Campus Conference Centre
55 Lexington Ave at 24th St,
One Bernard Baruch Way, New York
March 22, 2013
In this talk practical case examples from the Australian real estatecommunity will be used to answer the following questions:
How have successful firms been able to transform an issue that istraditionally viewed as a cost-saving, technical initiatives into astrategic issue that contributes to the achievement of core businessoutcomes?
What role have energy champions played in assisting thistransformation and how have champions balanced the use of externalexpertise with internal capacity building?
What does it mean to approach energy management as a continuousimprovement process rather than an episodic (audit and fix) activityand how does this impact on success?
What role have voluntary government initiatives played in supportingeffective implementation of the law and how have firms used thesemeasures to improve the effectiveness of their energy managementprograms?
Throughout his presentation practical suggestions for the steps thatreal estate owners in NYC firms can take in their own organisations tobetter integrate energy efficiency into their corporate culture willbe provided. As New York building owners prepare to implement energyaudits under Local Law 87, Patrick’s presentation will provide atimely opportunity for managers responsible for its implementation toreflect on how they can maximise the business outcomes from mandatoryenergy audits.