Making a Difference Through Energy Management
Facility Management Association of Australia Virtual Lunchbox Series
Launch of the Energy Management Good Practice Guide
25 February, 2021
National Energy Efficiency Conference 2016
Industrial energy efficiency policies and programs - What works?
7th International Energy Management Action Network Workshop
Global Perspectives on Improving Energy Management through ESCO Programs
Creating Opportunities through ESCOs and Energy Performance Contracts
ACTSmart Business Sustainability Expo in Canberra, ACT
Building management support: Strategies for sustainability
NSW Office of Environnment and Heritage Briefing Day, Sydney
Building the Business Case for Energy Efficiency Projects
12 August, 2015
6th International Energy Management Action Network Workshop
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium Enterprises - a Global Perspective
February 25, 2015
Smart Energy Expo in Verona Italy
Presentation at the International Energy Manager Forum
How change leadership drives effective energy management
Leadership and Change for Energy Efficiency in Accounting and Management
Roundtable on Industrial Productivity and Competitiveness Impacts
The multiple benefits of industrial energy efficiency policy - experience in Australia and Mongolia
International Energy Agency Headquarters
Conference: Change Leadership - Accelerating Energy Efficiency Improvement in the Built Environment
Keynote presentation: Change Leadership in a Time of Climate Change: Lessons from Corporate Leaders
William and Anita Newman Conference Center, New York
Behavior, Energy and Climate Change (BECC) Conference
Change Leadership for Energy Efficiency: Reconsidering the Role of Policy Markers and Practitioners
Seminar:Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
The Evolution of Energy Management Practices in Australia:
Implications for Energy Efficiency Policy & Program Development
Workshop: Clean Energy Finance Corporation and North Sydney Council
Six key strategies to get management support to upgrade your building
The First Steps: Innovative Solutions for your Building Retrofit
University of Technology Sydney Three Minute Thesis Presentation
Solving the Climate Crisis: One Business at a Time
Public Talk: City University of New York
'Leveraging Public Mandates for Private Gain: Integrating Energy Efficiency into Corporate Culture'.
William and Anita Newman Conference Centre, New York
Public Talk: City University of New York
'Bridging The Energy Efficiency Gap: Can Government Policy Drive Strategic Energy Management?'
The Steven L. Newman Hall, New York
Conference: Futureproofing Our Cities: Urban Resilience, At What Cost?
'Reducing Economic Impact through Collaborative Climate Change Planning',
The William and Anita Newman Conference Centre, New York
'Leadership & Change for Energy Efficiency: Training for Accountants and Managers'
Participants from the United States, Japan, Australia and Malaysia
Conference: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Industrial Summer Study
'Integrating energy efficiency into core business practices: An institutional work perspective on the implementation of energy management systems'
Conference: American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Summer Study
'Influencing financial decisions on energy efficiency:six key strategies to build management support'
Conference: Australian Summer Study on Energy Efficiency and Decentralised Energy
Behavior, Energy and Climate Change (BECC) Conference
'Transforming energy sub meter data into results in commercial buildings: Evaluation of an innovative training program in Sydney, Australia'
Conference: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2011 Summer Study
Belambra Presqu'île de Giens, France
July 2011
Annual Academy of Management Conference
'Energy Efficiency as a Boundary Object'
Montreal, Canada
August 2010
Conference: Sustainable Development Indicators in the Minerals Industry
'Designing energy efficiency assessments that work. Thiess Australian Mining case study.'
Gold Coast, Australia
July 2009
Water Leader Forum at Ozwater 09 Conference
'Implications for the Water Industry of a Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme'
March 2009
Conference: Sustainable Development 2009 - Sustaining Our Social Licence
'The Value of Energy Efficiency - From Operational Improvement to Licence to Operate'
February 2009
PCAPI 28th Annual Convention
'Climate change and the clean development mechanism - maximising the benefits in your business'
Mimosa, The Philippines.
April 2008