Solving the Climate Crisis - One Business at a Time
The Great Hall
University of Technology, Sydney
August 21, 2013
This presentation was prepared and delivered as part of the University of Technology's Three Minute Thesis Competition. Students have three minutes to present the main features of their PhD thesis. Patrick Crittenden represented the School of Business. Following are comments from the judges:
The presentation can be viewed here
You have taken the most important issue that I think we have to face in the coming decades and you have really gone at it in such a methodical way. You have also identified ways to actually make practical changes. And that is really what UTS is all about - making a difference. So congratulations I think that’s a fantastic thesis.
Professor Vicki Sara, UTS Chancellor
An incredibly compelling presentation. What you have done is absolutely and utterly crystal clear. You describe the three reasons why businesses don't do things even though they seem beneficial to them. And you have addressed how organisations can change to take advantage of new opportunities.
Professor Attila Brungs, UTS Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research)